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On 09/09/2011 01:26, At0mic wrote:

Onyeibo Oku-2 wrote:

Looks like we have an M$ fanboy. Perhaps U should try some of those
opensource recommendations first and see if they don't perform before
taking a side

See, this is what I don't like about the open-source community. If I express
an opinion that suggests things are NOT completely 100% great about
open-source software and that maybe, just MAYBE, Microsoft knows what
they're doing with regards to software at times, I'm labelled a fanboy.

Sorry for the use of the word "fanboy".  Probably not the best
description but there seemed to be a biased polarization from the way
you compared Thunderbird and Outlook.  Read the quote below (you own

I notice some people are talking about Thunderbird and other alternatives to

It implies that those 'talking' or looking at Thunderbird are making a
mistake. Naturally, anybody would ask why?

I should probably remind some people that Outlook is not just a
mail client. It has a Calendar, Tasks manager, voting system, and a few
other titbits that all exist within the same application which gives it a
very high level of integration. 

And that was the answer.  Is that well researched?  Comparing products
without a fair experience of both is what makes one look like a
'fanboy'.  I use Microsoft Products too and as Planas pointed out, their
OS hosts fantastic games. As an Architect, I use Autodesk products a
lot. We don't have products that compare well with those in Linux world
except for Bricsys' BricsCAD (but that's just for traditional 2D

The problem is that this integration is very
important for a lot of people in the corporate world, and an adhoc bundling
of various applications to do the same stuff but not quite as well
integrated might not sit well with some people, particularly if you can't
give the same level of functionality.

Here is where some traces of valid point came in,... but you left it off
too soon leaving your subjects to weigh things with the features you
mentioned earlier (which is mostly in Thunderbird).  However, I'm not
sure about Thunderbird is to what extent it can be automated as Outlook
(like most M$ product) supports automation via VBA.  I am also not sure
about collaboration possibilities like with Microsoft Exchange, but that
because I haven't looked into those areas.  So far, I get all I need
from Thunderbird -- especially those you sited as features in Outlook

Jesus fucking Christ look at your self. Microsoft DO make good products at

I wasn't disagreeing with that. But I do have a problem with that first
sentence. "Jesus" and "Christ" are names held sacred by some people.
Putting "fucking" in-between? ...well, please this thread has people
from different spheres of life. Consider all.

If you keep your blinders on and don't accept some people LIKE using
something such as Windows 7 for example, open-source software will never
compete. I don't understand why I'm now the enemy for not following the
religious fevor of some zealots.

Its like telling the people looking at LibreOffice Calc to consider that
M$-Excel has a lot of features that appeal to the corporate world,
without recognizing that most of the examples sited to support your POV
are actually functional in Calc!

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