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2011/8/11 Johnny Rosenberg <>:
2011/8/11 Andreas Säger <>:
Am 11.08.2011 10:30, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

The macro is used as a cell function right?
In that case, where did you put the macro? It should be placed in My
Macros, I think, so you need to move it there if it's not there

Wrong. It has to be stored in library "Standard", either the document's one
or the global one. "Standard" is loaded automatically and a cell function
will be found immediately.

Well, I have mine in My Macros/Standard but maybe that's not necessary.

At the moment I have one cell function there and it works perfectly,
but when I add another one, LibreOffice refuse to recognise it. What
ever I do, the cell only displays ”#NAME?” no matter if I have it in
the document's Standard library or in My Macros/Standard.

Can someone give a step-by-step instruction how to create a simple
cell function? Do I need to restart LibreOffice (did that too, but it
didn't help)?
I know I didn't create the thread, but still…

Strange… I fiddled with it a bit and suddenly it works, I don't have a clue why…

It also seems like it looks in the document's Standard library first,
because if I had them at both places the local one was executed.

I made a very simple one, this is the one in the document's standard library:
Function DoStuff As Long
End Function

Here's the one in My Macros/Standard:
Function DoStuff As Long
End Function

In a cell:

The result was 3. When I removed the local one, the result was 4 after
a Ctrl+Shift+F9.

But still I don't have a clue why it works now and not a few minutes ago…


Johnny Rosenberg

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